For once it was I who asked a question because I turn around, probably something stupid but I can not findmy config: Oscam rev 9916
// Osemu in the last SoftCam.Key, file that is m ^ me time to / var / keys is a link to / usr / keys, files are well 644I created a reader to osemu:This one (osemu) is in turn 755 and after starting the command:/ usr / bin / osemu -a login: password 54321 -b -p -vMy reader to osemu[reader]label = osemudescription = oscam.key readerprotocol = cs357xdevice =,54321Login user =password = passwordservices-sd = tntsat, tntsat hd srgssr,cacheex = 1cacheex_maxhop = 1caid = 0500, FFFFident = 0500: 000000,030B00,023800; FFFF: 000000group = 1cccreshare = 1via_emm_global = 1I manage to see in the local ECM GIS as we have just the pick me and my cacheex on the local map GIS is not sought at all so perfect, osemu works ... for GIStntsat for SD, nothing to do, nothing .... no request goes up on the readerFor HD, I understand that I should not expect anything without a map tntsat but I do not understand not to see mounting demands SD tntsat when I see them up I can see if there is a correct answer, or not
So unless I am mistaken at least two mechanisms should give me the SD on TNT:1) Oscam standard as far as we have the right file in / var / key or / etc / tuxbox / config (or is the oscam.conf) and a fairly recent version of oscam (> 9000)2) with osemu which is started with // oscam of the same file in the same directory (Var / key and oscam config) + a reader (group1) dedicatedThank you to the Guru or Oscam be Osemu or two to give me ideas in place because it works without walking (GIS YES, TNTSAT not) then there is a co .... Miss in the soup ...
So this is some server cccam help you to work this channels read more:
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